Muncy Family Chiropractic

Family and Sports Chiropractic in Bristol, VA 24201



  • Summer Tips to Protect Your Eyes

        Summer brings long, sunny days perfect for outdoor activities. However, it also poses risks to our eye […]

  • That’s NEAT!

        NEAT. It stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and it encompasses all the calories burned […]

  • The Long and Short of Telomeres

        Talk of telomeres is making its way into health news today more than ever. Until recently you may not […]

  • Taking the Road Less Traveled

            Taking the road less traveled is never easy. It requires determination, courage, and a deep […]

  • Lionhearted Mother

        Lionhearted Mother The fear of failure is a pressing issue, and when it is present, it weighs down every […]

  • A Legacy of Healing

        In the world of chiropractic care, few families are as known for their heritage and commitment as the […]

  • When Does Old Age Begin?

        Society as a whole has begun to ask the question – when does old age begin? In a world that has long […]

  • Rants, Raves, & Reflections of a Renaissance Woman

        Gloria Jaroff is a Renaissance woman. She’s lovely, personable, brilliant, and highly accomplished. […]

  • The Chiropractic Measure of Health

        What is the chiropractic measure of health? Humankind’s concept of health and well-being is always […]

  • Cedar Rapids’ 100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractors

        For generations, families in and around Cedar Rapids have been calling Spinal Corrective Center P.C. – […]

  • The Realm of Aging

        In the realm of aging, there exists a select group of individuals who defy the odds and stand as living […]

  • The Brain, Spine, and Gravity

        If you think that bodybuilders don’t need healthy brains and chess master’s don’t need strong […]

  • No Sweat

        Most people aren’t comfortable when they are sweaty. In fact, there are several negative expressions […]

  • What Can Chiropractic Do For Your Child?

        What can chiropractic do for  your child? Chiropractic’s purpose is to remove interferences to the […]

  • Longevity Literacy

          What’s your longevity literacy? Perhaps more importantly, what’s your financial planners’ […]

  • What’s Your Zone?

        We’re hearing a great deal about the Blue Zones these days. In case you haven’t heard, Blue Zones are […]

  • The Body Adapts

          The body adapts. Regardless of what we do, our bodies will continue to adapt. Leave a plant in a […]

  • Dive In

        Taghi Askari has never let anything keep him out of the water. At 100, he performed an exhibition dive at […]

  • The Power That Heals The Body

        Do you understand the power that heals the body? Almost everyone has an inner knowledge that mental and […]

  • A Prescription Drug Solution

          The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, […]

  • You Could Be a Centenarian

        If you’ve been reading The 100 Year Lifestyle stories about centenarians, nonagenarians, and […]

  • Extreme Altitude Wines

        If you’ve been keeping up with The 100 Year Lifestyle stories of nonagenarians and centenarians, then […]

  • Nature’s Blueprint for Health

        Nature’s blueprint for health. Exploring the predictive power of subluxations. In the natural sciences, […]

  • The Fine Print

        The trust Americans have in our government’s handling of our health care has long been a topic of […]

  • What a Year of Chiropractic Care Could Mean for You

        Just imagine the possibilities. You are just one decision away from your healthiest year – perhaps […]

  • Living Your Best 100 Year Lifestyle

        The New Year is almost here. As we look forward to the possibilities of what can be, and what we’d like […]

  • The Tones of Health

        The Tones of Health D.D. Palmer, the originator of chiropractic, described chiropractic as an art, […]

  • Do One Hard Thing

        We have the Japanese to thank for the idea of misogi. It’s a purifying ritual usually involving making […]

  • Dr. Eric Plasker Named Chiropractor of the Year

        In October, Dr. Eric Plasker, founder of The 100 Year Lifestyle, was named Chiropractor of the Year by […]

  • A Healthy Nervous System

      Understanding Dis-ease From Another Perspective Disease is not something to be feared, but rather understood […]